Prime Minister Narendra Modi filed his nomination from the Varanasi Lok Sabha seat on Tuesday, following prayers at the Dashashwamedh Ghat and the Kaal Bhairav temple. Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath was among those present at the collectorate during Modi’s filing of papers.
Modi is seeking a third consecutive term from the Varanasi Lok Sabha constituency, which he first won in 2014. Expressing his deep connection with Varanasi, Modi wrote in a post in Hindi on a social media platform, stating, “My bond with Kashi is extraordinary, inseparable, and unparalleled… words fail to capture its essence!”
The prime minister conducted a vibrant roadshow in Varanasi the day before, promising to undertake significant initiatives to serve the sacred city during his third term. Reflecting on the roadshow, Modi shared a video clip on social media, expressing gratitude for the love and blessings bestowed upon him by the people of Varanasi.
Voting in Varanasi is scheduled for the seventh phase on June 1.